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Enhancing Workplace Safety with SPAS – Smart Proximity Alert System!

Enhancing Workplace Safety with SPAS – Smart Proximity Alert System!

Precision Safety with Ultrawideband Technology: Protecting Lives in Warehouses, Ports & Industrial Sites Industrial sites are full of potential hazards. That’s why we recommend SPAS (Smart Proximity Alert System)—a cutting-edge system designed to protect lives and...

Principles of ‘Reduce Reuse Recycle’ in Plastic Waste Management

Principles of ‘Reduce Reuse Recycle’ in Plastic Waste Management

Plastic Waste Management Did you know that only 9% of all plastics are recycled? The rest end up in landfills where they take centuries to break down. This is why it is important to learn about the principles of 'Reduce Reuse Recycle' in plastic waste management. If...

Waste collection challenges for transit systems

Waste collection challenges for transit systems

Waste collection challenges for transit systems/public transportation: How to address the problems (Reference: Along for the ride Bigbelly Smart Waste for Transit Systems) Waste collection challenges for public transportation are many and varied. From the high volume...

Aurangabad Smart City Gets Smarter With Outdoor LED Display Boards

Aurangabad Smart City Gets Smarter With Outdoor LED Display Boards

Aurangabad Smart City Gets Smarter With Outdoor LED Display Boards From MasstransThe citizens of Aurangabad city have been given a new way to stay informed about their surroundings with Outdoor LED display boards from Masstrans Technologiies. These bright and...

Delhi Transport Corporation ITS Solution Offering

Delhi Transport Corporation ITS Solution Offering

Making Delhi Transport Corporation's public transport Smarter, Safer & Efficient The capital of India, Delhi is home to an overwhelming 20 million people. With over 6000 public buses in operation, it still doesn't meet the demand for transport services which...

Beautifying Pune City through Waste Upcycling

Beautifying Pune City through Waste Upcycling

Upcycling, also known as creative re-use, is the process of transforming by-products, waste materials, and useless, or unwanted products into new materials or products perceived to be of greater quality, such as artistic value or environmental value. At Masstrans, we...

Intelligent Transportation System best ways to road safety 2022

Intelligent Transportation System best ways to road safety 2022

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in IndiaIntroductionWhen it comes to surface transportation, roads are the core piece of infrastructure, supporting the movement of people and logistics by interconnecting cities, villages, towns, airports, and states. A...

What is smart city in India?

What is smart city in India?

What is smart city in India concept? Smart city in India are cities of tomorrow promising efficient and sustainable living through the use of digital technology. The long-term vision of smart city solutions is, building ecological spaces, planned, articulated as well...

Smart VTS – Vehicle Tracking System for Mass Transportation 2023

Smart VTS – Vehicle Tracking System for Mass Transportation 2023

Smart VTS Response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the recovery path is necessitating a “new normal” mandating improvement of mass transport governance and the implementation of innovative solutions to bring in increased safety and efficiency for passenger-friendly,...

Smart waste management using sensor-based smart bins

Smart waste management using sensor-based smart bins

Overflowing bins, infrequent and inefficient emptying of bins, weather-related bin damage, and features that are not user-friendly are just some of the issues that plague public waste bins in India. To counter these issues, Masstrans has brought to India Bigbelly...

Passenger information display: Modern passenger guidance

Passenger information display: Modern passenger guidance

Passenger Information Display System and ease of commuting A decade ago, when any passenger came to a bus or railway station, he was expected to stand in a queue to enquire about the next bus or train. There was one more way to keep an eye on the buses was to...

COVID-19 Mass Fever Detection System

COVID-19 Mass Fever Detection System

Fever Detection SystemThe COVID-19 pandemic has drastically impacted footfall in public spaces such as shopping malls, parks, airports, bus stations, etc. owing to the risk of infected surfaces and the possibility of virus transmission even from asymptomatic persons....

Smart Bin Disposal Management

Smart Bin Disposal Management

Smart bins and clean cities should be a slogan for our cleaner and better streets and neighbourhood, making for an enhanced living. Various solutions have been implemented to collect and dispose of solid waste in India, but not many of them have effectively worked....