Advancing Smart & Sustainable Mobility: Masstrans Powers Switch Mobility’s EiV12 with Intelligent Transport Systems. Masstrans partners with Switch Mobility in their endeavour to transform urban mobility sustainably! We’re thrilled to support the launch of Switch...
Smart City Solutions
Masstrans Technologiies Provides Smart Transport Management System for Port Blair Smart City Project
Introduction: Port Blair Smart City, the capital of Andaman & Nicobar Islands, is a hub for tourists, and therefore it requires efficient transport services. The Port Blair Smart Projects Limited (PBSPL) was formed in 2017 to implement smart city projects in the...
Principles of ‘Reduce Reuse Recycle’ in Plastic Waste Management
Plastic Waste Management Did you know that only 9% of all plastics are recycled? The rest end up in landfills where they take centuries to break down. This is why it is important to learn about the principles of 'Reduce Reuse Recycle' in plastic waste management. If...
Waste collection challenges for transit systems
Waste collection challenges for transit systems/public transportation: How to address the problems (Reference: Along for the ride Bigbelly Smart Waste for Transit Systems) Waste collection challenges for public transportation are many and varied. From the high volume...
What is smart city in India?
What is smart city in India concept? Smart city in India are cities of tomorrow promising efficient and sustainable living through the use of digital technology. The long-term vision of smart city solutions is, building ecological spaces, planned, articulated as well...
Smart waste management using sensor-based smart bins
Overflowing bins, infrequent and inefficient emptying of bins, weather-related bin damage, and features that are not user-friendly are just some of the issues that plague public waste bins in India. To counter these issues, Masstrans has brought to India Bigbelly...
Smart Bin Disposal Management
Smart bins and clean cities should be a slogan for our cleaner and better streets and neighbourhood, making for an enhanced living. Various solutions have been implemented to collect and dispose of solid waste in India, but not many of them have effectively worked....
Automate solid waste collection with Bigbelly
India is running in the Smart City race, competing with the world’s super-advanced cities. Being a developing country, we have a few issues that need to be addressed, solid waste is one of them. The fast-growing industries and inconsiderate use of paper and plastic...
World influencing smart city – San Francisco
Smart city San Francisco Smart City projects are shaping into reality all over the world. Some countries help their cities complete their process earlier than others with the support of infrastructure and smart technology, as it remains the driving force in all the...
Indian Traffic A Smart Solution
Indian traffic a smart solution Indian metro cities are growing faster with people from the rural areas pouring in, and the existing ones multiplying. The population has outgrown current amenities and resources. Houses are smaller, water is polluted, the trash is...
Parking problems in India – An intelligent solution
Parking problems in India Indian cities have seen exponential growth in aspects of infrastructure and transportation. The latter has become an inseparable part of our lives as it aids in economic, social and cultural development. It has been observed that the total...
Indian highways Hurdles and prospects
Indian highways Transportation in developing countries is of great significance because of its contribution to national and regional economic, industrial, social, and cultural development. Highways are major public roads that are vital for every aspect of growth....
India and smart cities Modernization and Beyond
The number of smart cities is on the rise in India. The government has taken keen interest by investing in urban renewal and retrofitting program with Smart City Mission, launched in 2015, making cities citizen friendly and sustainable. 100 cities are being considered...
Smart Waste Management 2019
Smart Waste management Smart Waste management has always been a serious logistical issue to deal with and has lacked the system intelligence to aid in efficiency. Masstrans ( has always been a pioneer in introducing smart systems into the Indians...
Waste Technology India Conference 2019
Waste Technology India Conference 2019 Modernizing Public Waste withSmart & Sustainable Solutions Feb. 13-14. 2019
Clean India Show
Clean India ShowCleaning & Hygiene Feb. 13-14-15. 2019Bengaluru,India
Parking Infratech Expo 2018
Traffic InfraTech Expo Parking InfraTech Expo Bombay Exhibition Center, Mumbai Oct. 25-26-27. 2018